Yael Shany here for a little eye opener.
For decades we hear about the bacteria and viruses or, parasites and genes….they all are “accused” of causing illnesses.
Even mental illnesses are under the same spell.
This concept creates the pharmaceutical companies, or I should say, the Pharmaceutical industry, because that’s what it really is, an industry, to brainwash the entire population of those dangerous monsters that threaten us. But, just like the Cancer industry, (nobody dares to reveal the truth), it is truly a money making industry.
Look around and see how much money flows into everyone involved in that industry. Is it true that people have to die of cancer?
Is everything in the environment, food, water, air….causing that dreadful disease? Or, the famous Covid-19 virus, and all the industry around it. Only three years later, after a real genocide they caused we start to get a glimpse into the truth regarding that monster killer virus Covi-19.
We now know that it’s a man designed virus, but we also learn who made a fortune off it,and who was involved in that mass murder.
Let’s look now into a different aspect of the definition (Illness) and what are the secrets it withholds from us.
- Illness is a distortion of health. A condition that causes discomfort, or, pain, or runny nose, allergies, rash, breathing hardship etc.
- Illness can not be healed by medications, only giving the patient temporary relief with harmful side effects.
- Illness symptoms DO NOT reveal the source or reason for its appearance. Therefore trying to address the symptoms is total nonsense and makes the problem ever worse and complicated.
- Illness cannot be addressed without thorough investigation of the patient and its circumstances. Past, threats, trauma, memories, environment, worries etc.
- Purchasing any medication over the counter is a big mistake, can be very harmful and complicate the problem even if it is a homeopathic medicine or even all natural medicine.
So, what should be done?
The most important first step should be thorough questioning of the individual, or, his close friends or family.
If it is not possible to question the patient, we should reach out to the body language which is the muscles.
It is called kinesiology.
Kinesiology helps the body, on its subconscious level, to indicate what is wrong, and why.
When asking all the questions when the person is responding, we also don’t always get the correct answers, for different reasons. The subconscious mind never lies.
Only now, after we get the whole picture, can we understand what the illness’s message is.
That is the secret to the best remedy, application, nutrition guidance or any support the person needs to get rid of the need to display the symptoms.
It is advised to toss and disregard all the answers like:
“It runs in the family”. “It is genetic”, “It’s my allergies”, “it is hormonal imbalance”, “it’s the age”, “It’s a virus”, “It is an infection”, “It’s the water”, “it is the roommate”, and so on.
Note, all physical and mental problems originate from within, including cancer. All illnesses originate from the subconscious mind in order to basically draw the conscious attention and ask for help.
Think about it for a moment. How many times did you say: “every time he has to do his homework, he gets a headache”?
Or, “Before each test I got stomach cramps”, or, “I get sick to my stomach when I see her”.or “It started when I was visiting……and saw….”.
There you have the answer. Is the stomach medicine appropriate in that case? Or the pain pills for headache….?
None of them. So are the medications the doctors prescribe too.
That is the true secret
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