When such disaster happens, we become speechless and shocked. There’s no doubt in my heart that many of us feel a deep anxiety, thinking that this could happen to anyone. We also feel the need to help in some way, like I read today the Amish have. The Amish got to Northern California and built mini houses for the disaster victims and all that in spite of the government prohibition. But not everyone can do that. I certainly cannot.
I can only send them my deep feelings of encouragement and good energy, to know that they are not alone, that we keep them in our prayers and in our hearts.
I like to reflect for a moment about this situation in view of the astrology.
We are currently, and since December of 2024 in a very sticky constellation, as Mars, the planet of fire, anger, danger from fire and anger outbursts, the boundaries planet when it comes to that burning anger like a wildfire, in the sign of Cancer. Cancer is our home, our house, our safety and security, but Mars is miserable in Cancer because it is a water sign, and Mars is a fire sign. They are not happy together. However, the beauty in Astrology is that we can foresee what the constellation will be, and get ready and prepare for the upcoming possible situation.
Many people still don’t believe in the Empiric science.
I know one who says: if I can’t hear, smell,tase or touch it, I don’t believe it existes. It is very sad that there are such accessible tools to help us avoiding disaster. Of course no one can stop natures rageuos action, but, we can be ready and prepared to save lives. Our own and the lives of our loved ones including pets. It’s inexpensive to learn it. Learning from the documentation of over 5000 years, by star hazers and astronomers. They documented their observations and experiences in all parts of the world. These observations were then shared and proved to be extremely helpful throughout so many years.
Now is the time, in my humble opinion, to seek any knowledge possible, to help us assert ourselves, become ever more independent, understand that the old paradigm of “government” responsibility, is passe’.
The health is not handled by doctors, hospitals and insurance companies, justice is only in the fairytale, education is not in schools or colleges, it’s all only our responsibility. Governors, like the California governor who’s just a narcissist and a clown, Obama,Biden, Clinton…… served only their own interests and betrayed the USA citizens by misleading
and lying to them, killing their opponents and whistle blowers, and so are the rest of the institutions as well as the banking.
But, here is the big light.
We can take care of our health, easily.
we can take care of our kids education, easily.
we can take care of our resources, our food, our safety etc. Yes, it is time to say goodbye to the illusions we were told and be truly free and self reliant.
Look at the world outside of the western culture.
The tribes. The Tibetan , the Oberlin, the Beduwins,
we can relearn to reclaim our freedom and independence – we will be much better off, and learn to prepare for tomorrow.
Thank you for stopping by
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