Hello Kids, Here is Alex again

Hey kids                                                                                        Feb 13 2024             

I like to tell you a little more about myself.

 Today I have a sore throat so grandma gave me tea with a cinnamon stick and lemon juice and honey and this mixture  helped my sore throat. Did I tell you also  that  I got hurt in the park and

Grandma put a Band-Aid on my injuries, and gave me a homeopathic remedy that is called Arnica. It took a few minutes and I had no bleeding and no pain anymore. 

I could take the bandages  off in a few minutes . Yes, it sounds like a miracle,  but it is true. It helps so fast.

My grandma is vegan and her website is called YaelShany.com. oh, you are on her website. 

I’ll write to you again soon. 

  • Come visit my grandma’s website often so you can learn a ton of good ways to stay healthy and if you’re sick, how to 

get well soon, and,  of course, read my articles. 




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