Here is another useful way to apply homeopathy

Important disclosure:

These articles are written by me, as suggestions only, and by no means of medical advice and guidelines.

All readers are responsible for their own choices as to what way of healing they choose. I don’t suggest pro or against any medicine approach and it’s all up to the readers discretion.

Hello dear reader

Trying to apply homeopathy to ourselves or our loved ones can be pretty intimidating, especially when we are totally new to this modality called Homeopathy.

The little safety secret is: If you miss the correct choice of remedy, it simply won’t work. It will be just as if you apply a few sugar globules and that’s all.

Since the homeopathy principle is: “like heals like”,

It is clear why missing the correct remedy will leave absolutely no impact on the patient.

This is the reason why so many people doubt Homeopathy at large, because very few Homeopathic practitioners really don’t know what they are doing. The confusion is when a chiropractor or even a trained homeopathic practitioner cannot get away from the pharmaceutical industry brainwash, in his own mind or his way of thinking, from the popular mainstream medicine industry, with the many diagnosis, medications, fear, blood work, MRI tests among the millions of different ways to – test the physical body and neglecting the mind and emotions of the person.

How often do we

 learn about the student with the cramping belly pain before a test? 

Or horrifying testimonies about autistic children who were totally fine prior to vaccines?

(I will touch the vaccines later in my prosts.)

But, lets go back to the Homeopathy and how we can use it without being trained.

Rule # 1: disregard the diagnosis. Since homeopathy is absolutely individually approached, and since diagnosis are “a named disorder or disease” we can’t help if we keep the “name” in mind.

Rule # 2: don’t look at the blood, urine, or any tests, they don’t tell the person’s real story and are generalized.

Rule # 3: ask the person or child how he/she feels, when did it start, is he hungry, is he/she thirsty, did he/she go to the bathroom, was there anything that upset her/him? Disappointed, aggravated, scared, worried, startled,……

Then it is easy like one two three, no matter what the problem is. Even without any homeopathic remedy available.

If you find that the person feels betrayed, for example and since then his joints hurt really bad, (pain killers will miss the point) even to a point that the joints are swollen and stiff, you can do this:

Write on a small piece of paper, (if you don’t have paper you can write on the skin, or, concentrate your mind on the word:” betrayal”  then tap up and down the spine for at least ten times. Gently. Continue to think the word.

Then let go. It will amaze you how the persons reaction will be. 

You may doubt my sanity, and its your right:)

But here is how it works.

It is of no secret anymore that we are all electromagnetic fields, and so are the cells that are our building blocks.

We also know how we better go back and practice the same thing we have not been able to master yet in sports,arts, math…. You name it. The same goes for our cells.

Since there is no illness that is not in our cells, regardless if it’s hormonal, mental, physical or emotional, we have to “train” the cells to be capable of mastering that specific disturbing agent that causes us to feel ill.

If I would have to parachute, I would be scared, would probably feel a million butterflies in my belly, maybe even wet my pants:)

But, after repeated jumps, eventually my pants would stay dry, and the butterflies would look for someone else’s belly.

But why would just a thought or a written message have the same effect as a real homeopathic remedy is the question.

Simply because all cells are connected. They carry out different assignments in our system, as some are destined to be the eyes, some are the belly or digestion organs, but, basically they all have the same components. So, all the cells have an electromagnetic field, and all respond to any message, whether through our skin, tongue, nose, spine, ears. The cells will get the message and learn to “deal” with the disturbing agent. Regardless of what it is that caused the disarray that manifests as illness .

How many times did you say to someone: you just took the word out of my mouth. Or, I was just about to say the same.

Or, I was just thinking about it…..

It’s our electromagnetic connection and message transmission.

So, next time when you have a child with a headache you ask it, since when do you have your headache? Did something go wrong in school? Did you get hurt by what was said? Did you eat…..?

Until you find the trigger, and now you know how to go from here.

See, you can’t go wrong, you can’t hurt, you don’t give any medicine, all you do is simply communicate with the cells and “exercise” them how to rearrange their order and deal with the headache.

If you doubt me, try it.

let me know if you had the expected results.

Best regards


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