How words impact our physical and mental state of mind and health

How words impact our physical mental and emotional state and the homeopathic solutions

As we discussed in previous articles, the homeopathic approach to healing illness.Now understand that rather than sending the ill person to a specialist for different body parts, like urologist, oncologist, cardiologist etc, and each one of them will “need” different lab tests, (by the time we’re dragged through all that we probably end up in the grave yard). Homeopathy trusts what the body can tell. We can look in the patient’s eyes, we observe the skin, we watch the breath and listen to the cough, we watch the tongue and gums, we can look at the hair and mostly listen to the story the person is telling us.Here starts the magic.Often one word can be almost lethal.Like so often children are deeply hurt by a teacher or parent’s scold, as they take the words deep to heart.Or, when we actually go to a doctor for, maybe an annual checkup. When the doctor tells us the tests results, we can feel what “A” word can do to us.For example:Harry goes to his physician when his doctor’s office informed him that his test results are ready and he should come in.When Harry sits down he watches his doctor’s expression and contemplates what he would hear.The doctor looks at the document and says to Harry:” You results are very concerning, unfortunately, and you will have to go for surgery as soon as possible, because your cancer markers are very high.”At this second Harry’s heart starts to pound rapidly, he can feel his feet and hands getting ice cold, he swallows his saliva and feels awfulyl noxious and a stomach irritation. He even feels that he’s about to pass out right there on the chair in his doctor’s office.We can clearly learn what words can do to our entire being without being touched.BTW, for this reason I don’t think the Orthodox “health” establishment is the proper route for anyone who seeks health.Even if the doctor will apologize a week later because it wasn’t Harry’s report at all but an error, someone else’s . It will not reverse the damage his first words caused. The words hurt him deeply and caused a very severe fear.The same goes with the mother who says to her son in her anger: I hate you because you’re just like your dad.It doesn’t matter how old the son is, she puts a deep dent into her son’s sense of security, deep disappointment, self doubt, sadness, and even feeling of failure.Dr. Masaru Emoto did the amazing research of water molecules and their response to words or music.We’re made of about 80% water and our feelings are very responsive to words.When a person falls I’ll, we must listen and try to understand what words hurt him so bad. This boy who was scolded by his angry mother should get a homeopathic remedy for assault. He does have anger control difficulties (no surprise) and a hurtful word that is so vicious should be addressed with a assault remedy.Remember: like cures like.I applied Belladonna for the sudden, unexpected, hurtful assault.It worked wonders.

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