So why Homeopathy doesn’t work?

As I mentioned in my first article, Homeopathy has been a “debatable” subject for ions. More people don’t “believe” in homeopathy than people like you and I, who know the amazing healing  properties Homeopathy has. I guess maybe even as a quantum therapy powerhouse of endless possibilities no other healing art can claim. Quantum Homeopathy? Because we can apply any energy we could possibly think of and come up with, that no other conservative medicine can fathom.

So let us look into the reasoning behind the skeptics may have.

Let us see a few symptoms people experience their homeopathic therapists or practitioners or may chiropractors will get very frustrated with their attempt to address with homeopathy the way they understand. 

  1. Common cold
  2. Flu
  3. Arthritis
  4. Migraine headaches
  5. Cough
  6. Ear ache
  7. Skin rash
  8. Eczema
  9. Knee pain
  10. Acne
  11. Injurie pain
  12. Insomnia
  13. IBM
  14. Chrome
  15. Cancer
  16. Itchy eyes
  17. Diarrhea
  18. Constipation
  19. Lower back pain
  20. Neck pain

Pretty good list to start with in order to understand why the average homeopathic practitioner or chiropractor cannot find answers in the vast homeopathic remedies on the market.

The answer is very clear. Homeopathy will never work when the choice of remedy is based upon any of the mentioned above issues.


I mentioned in previous articles how important it is to ask all the questions as well as very meticulous observation os the person. The face, color, mimic, look, expression, the body as a whole, for example; posture, restlessness or calmness when sitting, breathe, shallow, deep, sigh, fast, holding shoulders up or relaxed, sensitivity to the surrounding noises, maybe the feet are constantly jumping, thirst, etc…..

How often was I asked by a patient why all these questions when he/she came for their face twitching?

Or knee pain, or, lower back pain.

Because the answer hides in their body in totality including mind and emotions. 

Even the flu has very different complains by different individuals.

In my understanding and experience, the answers are in the person, not the the labels.

Homeopathy will be effective only if we know why, when, where and how.

Why is the individual respond as we see?

When did it start? 

Where did it first come up?

And why? 

The last question maybe the hardest to find the the answer because most of us are used to think in terms of, virus, fungi, bacteria, accident, neighbor, partner or food.

The next issue that makes the homeopathy subject to skepticism is:

If you don’t change the reason, and think the homeopathic remedy alone  will do the magic , you are up for a good reason to be skeptic.

For example: if we don’t take the time to prepare for a good night sleep, consume alcohol and coffee before bed, or maybe over eat or eat close to bed time. The homeopathic remedy, even if chosen correctly, will not help you to sleep well throughout the night.

Since wee are human beings, we are natural creatures and need natural conditions to help us handle our life in a healthy way and stay healthy.

Of course there are always exceptions to the rules, when the objective circumstances prevent a healthy stream ine life style. But exceptions are as they sound, exceptions. The daily life can and must be respectful of our natural being.

The next reason for skepticism is the notion: healing by counteracting or annihilating the problem.

For example: opioids are used against pain.

Antibiotic medicine is used against infection.

Steroids are used against chronic inflammation. And so on.

Remember “homeopathy rule of “like cures like”?”

Exactly the opposite thinking from mainstream approach.

There is a huge contradiction between the two schools and, for individuals that studied medicine of any sort, or people who grew up with the “family physician”, or nutritionist, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, psychiatrist, psychologists, etc, it’s breaking their iron walls, invading their deep seated beliefs, breaking old thinking habits, just cannot grasp the concept, and if they do, it stays in their mind as theoretically without the ability to imply it on their patients. People simply don’t understand the concept, and are unable to clear off their life long understanding that an illness has to be “killed”. Infection has to be stopped by killing the germs. They don’t understand how wrong their “understanding”, is and that is the reason for the endless research for new and ever stronger medications. The reason (among the profits) in 70 years of cancer research, the answer has not been found, other than blaming everything in our foods, environment, drinks, air, clothing. Genes….etc.

Even cancer, heart disease, alzheimer etc, have answers.

Just keep in mind – when we walk the same path we will wind up at the same destination.

The other important role in Homeopathy plays the potency.

The higher the dilution the deeper it works.

The farther from the crude substance, the more potent the remedy. 

I hope I covered here most of the skeptic’s arguments about why the homeopathy doesn’t work.

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